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Privacy Agreement 

Personal Data (Privacy) Notice for Job Applicant

  1. The personal data collected will be used for the purpose of considering your application for employment, and may be transferred to persons within the University and/or its subsidiaries and/or its authorized third parties which are involved in the recruitment and employee vetting process.  In the event that your application is successful, your personal data will be used for the purposes of personnel and administration.


  2. Please make sure that the data are complete and accurate.  If the data provided are inaccurate or incomplete, your application may not be processed.


  3. Your personal data will be kept confidential but may need to be disclosed to other persons for recruitment purpose.  Your personal data may also be used for the purpose of recruitment for a similar or different post.


  4. Should your application be unsuccessful, your personal data will be retained for not more than 2 years from the date of rejecting your application.


  5. You have the right to access or correct the personal data held on you by the University and/or its subsidiaries using the form(s) obtainable from the Data Protection Officer (email address: A reasonable fee may be charged to cover the administrative costs for data access requests.



Maintained by: Human Resources Office ( )

Modified Date: November 16, 2022